Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Boy

Greyson is doing great in his open bed, doing well regulating his own body temperature.  He can't wear clothes right now because of his umbilical lines but he keeps kicking out of his blanket so now he has his blankie covering his little legs, since they were getting cold.  This morning they uped his fluids a little, and said that he can feed whenever he wants but that if he is going to the breast a lot during the day we will just have to adjust his fluids.  He also said that after 7 days of life they are removing the umbillical line, which I heard they are only good for 7-10 days.  We will see what the cardiologists say about that coming out, I don't know if they will have to use it for surgery or not.  Dr. Fiore should be back today or tomorrow to look at everything and decide what plan they have for surgery.  Wow, surgery, I knew he would have to have it, but it seems more scary the closer we get.  I just hope that they can do the repair that will fix it for good rather than something we need to repeat later on or will limit his activities later in life.  He's a strong boy though so I am certain everything will be fine. 

This is what he looks like, tiny boy in such a big bed.

1 comment:

  1. Ken and JoAnne from TxOctober 11, 2010 at 6:59 PM

    Prayers for little Greyson that he continues to get stronger.
