Saturday, March 30, 2013

Post op day 3 morning

I got woke up about 6:45 by greyson saying "I can't"  he wanted to roll over and needed help but he did most of the rolling himself. Then he wanted his drink. He has been holding onto his ice water like it wasn't coming back but wasn't drinking it.  After he rolled over he wanted his drink back. He has been drinking it regularly this morning. He told me last night he was hungry but hasn't eaten anything. He can have a really low fat diet today. Something about the risk of fat coming out in his tubes and plugging them up. At least he can have some food.

He's been peeing a lot due to his lasix. Most times peeing out of a diaper. That was every 6 hours and he was needing a full bed change. Now its every 8 hours so he won't have to have a full bed change as often.

They are turning down the 1 drug he is still on that he can't go to the floor on and he should be off of that tomorrow morning. The plan is to move to the floor tomorrow!

Now for the really REALLY big news. Addison gets to come back and see him!  When I told Dr Fiore about how badly she wanted to see him he said she could come back.  I got to skype her this morning and tell her and she was SO excited. I can't wait for them to see each other again.

He called daddy this morning and asked him to bring more movies. HALLELUJAH!!!  Bolt has been on nonstop for 2 days and I am ready to watch somerhing else. Hopefully I'll be able to head to the hotel for a shower this afternoon and maybe a few hours of sleep. Ive been getting more here with him but im still exhausted. I get some good sleep when I know someone else is taking care if my babies.

Ill update again later after he sees his sister. I'll be getting pictures of that.

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