Monday, March 28, 2011

Synagis and saturations

Greyson went in today for his synagis shot and saturation check. Addison started feeling yucky with a fever like she had the day before right when we got to the office. Yesterday we gave her Tylenol and it went away and she was fine this morning. She had a temperature of 103.7 at the dr today and it was 103 yesterday as well. I was holding her when she did G's saturations so I didn't get to look at the machine. I was surprised when she said they were 87-90!!! She even put it on his other hand just to be sure and it read 88 as well. He didn't cry much when he got his shots either and he weighed 14 lbs 7 oz today so he is growing pretty good.

Addison took some Tylenol while we were there and not so willingly let Dr. Meyer check her out. With her renal history and the fact that she missed a day or two of meds that worried us. She was saying that her legs hurt and having me and Nate kiss them, but there is no rash anywhere on her. She also told me today that her potty hurt which had me worried that it might be another UTI. We tried to get her to go potty there but we had just gone so she didn't go. We took the stuff home with us and finally at 5 she went. I took it in and they did a dipstick test on it which was negative. They are doing a culture on it to see if it grows anything. I have to call if any new symptoms come up or she still has a fever after 72 hrs. I don't know what it is but I'd be happy if it cleared itself up.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment on our blog! Your son is adorable and from what I've read, seems to be doing really well!!! Heart babies are so dear to my heart and we are truly blessed to their mamas!
    Take care,
    Katie (mom to Maddie, HRHS)
