Greyson has been doing LOTS here lately but nothing big on the medical front really. He does have a cold right now and we went to see daddy's pediatrician Dr. Meyer today just to confirm that is what it is and nothing more. If it turns into something more we will have to go back and get more medication. He isn't very happy about it and it gets way worse in the evening and I have been up with him a few times because of it.
Greyson is WALKING now, not all the time and not everywhere but he knows how to do it...when he wants to. Most of the the time he would rather crawl since he is much faster that way. He will get to walking on his own time, just like he does everything else. He has both of his bottom teeth all the way through and the top two are working their way in also, which I am sure doesn't help with his cold.
I will continue to try and post the pictures but I am not holding my breath. I will try to post an update after Thanksgiving and I am super excited about Black Friday hopefully we will get the few things we are going after.
Doesn't he look like such a big boy here?
Isn't that a rotten face.
Finally by loading them into photobucket and then loading them on here I was able to load them all. Who knew I could have done that weeks ago. Much easier to do it that way, especially since I can do that from my phone. If you get my blog through email beware your email my blow up soon now that I have figured out how to post pictures better.